Sunday, 27 April 2014


what is she talking about shes like one about everything and shes doing mailtime soon WHAT!?!


Hey guys this is manz12 or fman122 or whatever hes taking over animaljam like everything, if you see him let me know I saw the real one like I mean so just tell me if u see him my user is queensnowydaisy18181


Friday, 25 April 2014

To Lilacpetal xx

Lilacpetal Your leaving animal jam right? and I don't want you to leave animal jam everyone will miss you and all your subscribers will miss you too I hope you join animal jam again
but im gonna give you a reason its about umm manz12 you know this my real friend said manz12 is a virus hacker he is.
But we will miss you lilacpetal xx
From queensnowydaisy18181

I maded this picture all by myself but its not a speedprint lol wait it is my sister did it for me guys, as you see its a iceangel one with a white heart locket My sister choosed it for meh and im like... everything.